Deion Sanders Issues Moronic Statement on Athletes Opting Out During Pandemic

data-mm-id=”_thzd2tpdj”>On Friday afternoon, Deion Sanders uncorked one of the worst takes of 2020 so far. And boy, is that saying something. Sanders took to Twitter to rip NFL players (and any athletes) who are opting out of the 2020 season. Yes, he actually took a shot at players who made the devastating choice to sit out. Those same players have decided to surrender huge paychecks in order to protect themselves and their families from potential exposure to a virus that has killed more than 160,000 Americans. Here's the tweet:All Players OPTING out in all sports PLEASE BELIEVE the game will go on without u. This is a business & don’t u EVER forget that. There’s NO ONE that’s bigger than the game itself. Only the ref,umps & officials are that important that u can’…